Become a Volunteer

Before you apply…

TEMPO is first and foremost a mentorship organization that strives to present positive role models. Therefore, we seek women, trans, and nonbinary folks to apply for direct volunteer roles during camp. Cis men are welcome to apply for indirect roles that do not involve direct interaction with campers. Additionally, our goal is to help campers explore their creativity, foster community, create music, build self confidence, and learn to rock.

Volunteers are expected to show up for their shifts on time with energy and positivity; exhibit appropriate boundaries; use appropriate language; and be committed to problem solving and healthy communication between campers, staff, and fellow volunteers. Please reflect on your ability to meet this criteria before applying. Also, remember that volunteers don't have to be seasoned musicians or have formal experience working with teens!

All volunteers will submit an application. An organizer will meet with you in the weeks leading up to camp to discuss the roles you apply for and expectations for camp. Prior to camp, there will be a mandatory volunteer training.

Volunteer training for After Dark will be on Sunday, December 29th at Northern Lights Library (4093 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, OH 43224) in Meeting Room 3 at 1:30—3:30 p.m.

Direct Volunteer Roles


We offer electric guitar, electric bass, drums, keyboard, and vocal lessons at camp.

Instructors are responsible for working together to create lesson plans, as well as creating a supportive learning environment for the campers. How you structure your instruction is up to you! Plan out ideas ahead of time, but be willing and ready to change lesson plans as you get to know your students and are familiar with their needs. Many of the campers have never played before, so you don’t need to be a master musician and you will mostly be teaching the very basics. Flexibility is more important than strict lesson plans for this position.

All instrument lessons are mandatory for Instrument Instructors.

Band Coach

Band Coaches facilitate a small group of campers working together and collaborating. The goal is to write a song, practice it, and perform it for the final performance. There are infinite ways to reach this goal! You are there to keep the campers focused and to offer help in writing and arranging their song. A good Band Coach keeps things moving, helps the campers communicate, and keeps track of the song and its different parts while making sure everybody can contribute and feel like their opinions are being respected and valued.

All band practices are mandatory for Band Coaches, and Band Coaches must also attend the final performance.

Workshop Instructor

Workshop Instructors give our campers an opportunity to learn about other forms of expression and creativity beyond music. Workshop Instructors enhance the entire camp experience by exposing campers to new ideas and broadening their way of thinking. Workshops are a way to dig deeper into our camp mission and beliefs, and to create a fun and exciting environment at camp. You will teach campers new skills, help build empowerment and self-esteem, and foster camaraderie among campers.  

Examples of some workshops we would like to offer include: social justice and activism; creative writing; self-defense; photography/videography; safer spaces; or visual art/design. Feel free to apply for any of these and/or send us your own unique workshop idea(s)! 

Workshop Instructors will work with the Workshop Coordinator to determine which day of the camp week your workshop will be held.

Lunch Concert Performer

At Youth Camp, we offer daily lunch concerts as a way of sharing what we do with our campers in an environment that encourages them to express themselves. They also give our campers, who are all learning an instrument, an opportunity to talk to experienced musicians about how they learned to play, what inspires them, how they write a song, etc., while exposing them to new styles of music they may have never heard before!

We are looking for solo artists or bands with members who are LGBTQIA+, women, and people of color from a wide range of musical genres. If you or your band are interested in playing a lunchtime concert, please submit an application.

Camp Counselor

Counselors are the glue that keeps camp running smoothly! Counselors lead the daily morning circle, closing circle, and additional activities throughout the week of camp. As a counselor, you will coordinate and run team building exercises on the first day of camp, be available to help during emergencies, and work with campers one-on-one or to help mediate conflicts. 

Counselors are required to be at camp every day, however, counselors do have down time when campers are in instrument lessons and band practice. We are working to ensure counselor responsibilities are spread equitably in order to prevent volunteer burnout. Counselors will also meet several times in the weeks leading up to camp to prepare activities.

All volunteers are expected to know their schedule and arrive on time, prepared for their roles.

Indirect Volunteer Roles

Roadies / Set-Up & Tear-Down Help

We have a lot of instruments and equipment to move and set up! We especially need help on set-up and tear-down days. Food will be provided for roadies on set-up and tear-down days. 


We need help picking up and delivering donated lunches for volunteers, as well as preparing snacks for campers. If helping to coordinate or cook volunteer lunch sounds interesting, this is the role for you! We collect all food allergy and preference information from campers and volunteers on their applications, so we will be able to provide a list of any allergies or anyone who is vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, etc. before camp. This role will also involve cleaning and tidying the volunteer room and camper dining spaces alongside other volunteers. 

Donated lunches and snacks must be picked up from donors and set up 45-60 minutes before they are to be served. The Food Coordinator will work with you on to schedule pick-up/drop-off and prep times.


For Youth Camp only.

We need help supervising campers at early drop-off in the morning before camp starts. This role can include facilitating a laid back activity for campers, i.e. playing games, decompressing with a craft, outside activities, etc.


We have a number of roles needed only for the final performance. One of our Volunteer Coordinators can provide more details.

  • Stagehand - help set up stage.

  • Instrument Technician - help with instruments.

  • Bake Sale Team - deliver bake sale items and manage bake sale table.

  • Merch Team - manage merch table and sales.

  • Doors and Donations Team - manage donations and pass out programs.

  • Parking and Logistics Team - assist with parking and guiding guests into performance space.

Ready to apply?

Fill out the form below to become a volunteer for Youth Camp!

Youth Camp applications are NOW OPEN and close on Sunday, May 11th, 2025.